FORUM: Internetzeitschrift des Landesverbandes für Kinder
in Adoptiv und Pflegefamilien S-H e.V. (KiAP) und der Arbeitsge-
meinschaft für Sozialberatung und Psychotherapie (AGSP)


Nachrichten / Jahrgang 2002


to an International Conference in Regensburg, Germany, on

Attachment from Infancy and Childhood to Adulthood

from July 11th - 13th , 2003

Attachment research has come to maturity. In the mid-seventies, a group of researchers had caught the spirit of attachment research called to life by Mary Ainsworth. They ventured on studies that followed groups of infants into adolescence and young adulthood. Others attachment researchers concentrated on important empirical issues such as the role of temperament, family and social strata influences, behavioral disorganization in infants and children, and formal language organization of different kinds of attachment representations. Issues of stability, conditions of continuity, lawful change, multiple caregivers were investigated, as well as the role of John Bowlby’s "Internal Working" model construct which is supposed to organize the quality of psychological adaptability resulting from attachment experiences. The researchers behind these ambitious enterprises have been invited to formally discuss the knowledge created by their life-long commitment to longitudinal attachment research. On the program will be 9 internationally known speakers (see abstracts) and 6 equally well known discussants will present and draw conclusions from their attachment research. They all helped to establish attachment theory as a most successful integrated theory of developmental psychology, as well as a most appealing theory for practitioners who deal with deviating developmental pathways.

Invited speakers (in alphabetical order):

  • Jay Belsky, Professor, Director Institute for the Study of Children, Families and Social Issues, Birkbeck University of London:
    From Infancy to Early Childhood: Conditions of Continuity
  • Inge Bretherton, University of Wisconsin, USA:
    Continued Reflections on the Internal Working Model Construct and its Relevance to Attachment Relationships
  • Klaus and Karin Grossmann, University of Regensburg, Germany:
    Attachment, Exploration, and Psychological Security: Across 22 Years: From Mothers’ and Fathers’ Sensitivity and Support to Later Attachment and Partner Representations
  • Mary Main, University of California at Berkeley, and Erik Hesse, Director of the Berkeley Social Development Project, USA:
    (Title open)
  • Abraham Sagi, and Ora Aviezer, Center for the Study of Child Development, University of Haifa, Israel:
    Longitudinal Correlates of Attachment to Multiple Caregivers and with Communal Sleeping
  • Alan Sroufe, Professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA:
    From Infant Attachment to Adult Partnership. The Developmental Course of Human Social Relationships
  • Miriam and Howard Steele, University College and Anna Freud Centre, London, UK:
    Emotion Judgments, Attribution, and Understanding in Pre-Adolescence are uniquely linked to the early Mother-Child Relationship: Findings from the 11-year follow-up of the London Parent-Child Project, and ongoing Longitudinal Study of the Intergenerational Patterns of Attachment
  • Joan Stevenson-Hinde, University of Cambridge, UK:
    On the Interplay between Attachment, Temperament, and Maternal Style in Child Development
  • Everett Waters and Judy Crowell, State University of New York, Stony Brook, N.Y., USA.
    Stability and lawful change in attachment development from 1 to 21 Years: Influences of Early Experience, Representation of Marital Relationship, and Parental Behavior

Invited discussants:

  • Lieselotte Ahnert, Dr. phil. habil., Freie Universität Berlin,
  • Gabriele Gloger-Tippelt, Professor, Universität Köln,
  • Isabel Soares , Professor, Universita des Minho, Braga, Portugal,
  • Gottfried Spangler, Professor, Universität Erlangen,
  • Marinus van IJzendoorn, Professor, Rijks Universiteit Leiden, Niederlande,
  • Peter Zimmermann, Dr. phil. habil., Universität Regensburg.

The conference will be organized by
FUTUR (Forschungs- Und Technologietransfer Universität Regensburg) and the
Department of Psychology, Chair of Developmental Psychology, University of Regensburg.
Conference homepage:
Conference Committee: Klaus Grossmann, Karin Grossmann, Margit Frimberger, Christoph Jakob, Anika Keppler, Kerstin Stöcker



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